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[도전 7:36] 괴병이 돌 때의 상황 The Outbreak of the Mysterious Disease

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괴병이 돌 때의 상황  

The Outbreak of the Mysterious Disease


이 뒤에 괴병( 怪病 )이 돌 때는 자다가도 죽 고 먹다가도 죽고 왕래하다가도 죽어 묶어 낼 자가 없어 쇠스랑으로 찍어 내되 신 돌려 신을 정신도 차리지 못하리라.


“When the mysterious disease strikes in the coming time, people will die in their sleep, people will die during meals, and people will die coming and going. Unable to properly tie all the corpses, the survivors will dispose of the bodies using pitchforks. People will not even have the presence of mind to don their shoes properly. 


병이 여기저기서 정신없이 몰아 올 적에는 ‘골치 아프다.’, ‘배 아프다.’ 하면서 쓰러지 나니 여기서 죽고 나면 저기서 죽고, 태풍에 삼대 쓰러지듯 척척 쌓여 죽는단 말이니라. 그때는 문중에 한 사람만 살아도 그 집에 운 터졌다 하리라. 산 사람은 꿈에서 깬 것같이 될 것이다. (도전 7:36)


“When the disease rushes in from all directions, people will cry out ‘My head hurts’ or ‘My stomach hurts’ as they collapse. People will die here, people will die there, people will fall dead in layers like hemp stalks flattened in a typhoon. At that time, should even one member of a family clan survive, it will be said that the clan was struck by good fortune. Those who survive the disease will feel as if they have awoken from a dream.” (Sangjenim, Dojeon 7:28)

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